1701vip黄金城-Made in China


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邀请加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院Hubert Pun副教授学术报告

发布时间:2024/05/11 9:06:56


系列学术报告 第1

报告题目:Application of Blockchain in the Secondary Market with Counterfeiting

报 告 人:加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院  Hubert Pun  副教授




The presence of counterfeit goods in the secondary market not only tarnishes a firm's brand reputation but also undermines societal trust in ethical business practices, hindering sustainable economic growth. Addressing counterfeit products is essential for fostering a society where authenticity and sustainability are valued, promoting responsible consumption habits and supporting businesses committed to ethical standards. Blockchain applications offer the potential to mitigate these risks and support the burgeoning secondary markets by facilitating product authentication and providing digital proof of ownership. To better understand why firms, whose used products are frequently resold in the secondary market, adopt blockchain, we develop a model that involves a manufacturer producing and selling new authentic products to consumers. At the end of the selling season, some consumers may resell their products as used goods to a secondhand reseller. As the reseller sells authentic used products in the secondary market, it encounters the challenge of a counterfeiter selling fake products. Our results focus on the manufacturer’s decision on blockchain and the impacts of blockchain adoption.


Dr. Hubert Pun is associate professor of management science in Ivey Business School. His research interests include co-opetition, counterfeiting product, and how blockchain can be used as an enterprise solution. He is the J. Allyn Taylor/Arthur H. Mingay Chair and the PhD Program Director. He received the Western Faculty Scholar Award for his research contribution to blockchain business application. This award "recognize[s] mid-career faculty members with an international presence in their discipline who are considered all-round scholars." Hubert completed his PhD in Operations Management and Decision Sciences at the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) in 2010. He joined the Ivey Business School in 2010 and has taught in the HBA, MSc, MBA, EMBA and PhD programs. He was awarded with Ivey Dean’s Teaching Commendation Letters (top 10% Ivey faculty) in 2016 and 2017. He won the Research Merit Award (top 10% Ivey faculty) in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,2023. He has published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), and other top tier journals. Currently, he is serving as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management (POM) and an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR).




